A nadešel čas na ELIMINATION CHAMBER !!!
19. 2. 2012
elimination, chamber, elimination chamber, ppv, wwe, sheamus, santino, cena, kane, coca cola, the miz, kofi, kingston, match, wrestling, wrestling živě, stream, divas
HBK v příští show RAW !
7. 2. 2012
hbk, shawn, michaels, shawn michaels, raw, wrestlemania, undertaker, triple h, 28, wm 28, wrestlemania 28
Novinky z Raw, nové přezdívky, Chris Hero update
7. 2. 2012
raw, survivor series, elimination chamber, 2012, 2003, kane, shane, mcmahon, john cena, match, chris jericho, chris hero, fcw,wwe, drew mcintyre, daniel bryan, natalya,wade barret, hunico,cody rhodes, ted dibiase
Návrat Undertakera, update o zápasech na WM 28
4. 2. 2012
Undertaker, raw, triple h, wrestlemania 28, chris jericho, cm punk, wwe, championship,
Vítěz Royal Rumble je ......
1. 2. 2012
Royal, rumble, royal rumble, sheamus, chris jericho, orton, viper, 2012, usa, kanada, the miz, cody rhodes, epico, hunico, vítěz